2022 Favorite Books, Movies & Music

Obama-Inspired Writing Prompt

6 min readDec 28, 2022


“To all those who use their light to make sure others feel seen ”— Michelle Obama, The Light We Carry

I love that former President Barack Obama writes on Medium! His latest post about his 2022 End of Year Lists inspired me to write my own list. It’s a fun way to wrap up the year.

I’m also a fan of books, movies, and music. Many of my posts on Medium this year have been about those topics. Writing about my favorite movies earned me a top writer badge, making me want to see and write about more movies!

Favorite Books of 2022

  • Who Told You That — Like Barack, I am biased about my favorite book. This is my daughter’s first anthology! I helped her publish it and contributed a couple stories. The proceeds benefit her nonprofit organization, Community Unity Network, which helps provide food, clothing, school supplies, etc., along with events to unite the community.
  • Kiss Lori For Me — Dr. Lori Goss-Reaves wrote this book about her father, who was killed during the Vietnam war. I have never seen a book take on a life of its own the way this book has. It has helped Vietnam veterans connect and share stories that some have kept bottled up for more than fifty years! The book also inspired Dr. Reaves to create Larry’s Legacy of Love and honor the veteran community.
  • Finding Me: A Memoir — I had no idea what…




Writer focused on holistic health, poetry, personal development, spirituality, technology, books, movies, and music.