Topics Include Healing Trauma, Overcoming Grief, Faith, Happiness, Failure, Success, Mindset, Holistic Health, and More
Nineteen books were in the running for best nonfiction book of September. I’m trying a new format this month — just listing the book titles along with the author(s), release date, and the winner. Let me know if you prefer this short list, a list complete with photos and a brief summary of the books, or something in between.
This list is in alphabetical order by title:
- Attuned: Practicing Interdependence to Heal Our Trauma―and Our World by Thomas Hübl & Julie Jordan Avritt (9/12)
- Birdie & Harlow: Life, Loss, and Loving My Dog So Much I Didn’t Want Kids (…Until I Did) by Taylor Wolfe (9/19)
- Build the Life You Want: The Art and Science of Getting Happier by Arthur C. Brooks & Oprah Winfrey (9/12)
- Don’t Die in Your Sins: A Simple Explanation of the Best News Known to Mankind by Greg Hershberg (9/1)
- Dream Big and Win: Translating Passion into Purpose and Creating a Billion-Dollar Business by Liz Elting (9/26)
- Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson (9/12)
- Get Your Book Seen and Sold: The Essential Book Marketing and Publishing Guide by Claudine Wolk & Julie Murkette (9/25)