Does Writing Wednesdays Lead To Achieving Your Dreams

Ask Steven Pressfield



Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

The more Resistance you feel, the more important the dream. ~ Steven Pressfield

I am trying a new alliteration writing routine to get in the habit of writing consistently. For Wednesdays, I couldn’t decide between Wellness or Writing. Both are important topics to me. How about you? If so, stay tuned for Fit Friday, where I will discuss wellness topics and my holistic health journey!

I’m going with Writing Wednesday because writing is a big part of my life. Writing has gotten me through tough days and the week more times than I can count.

Steven Pressfield sends a Writing Wednesdays email that I look forward to reading for my midweek motivation. I’m a big fan of his books on writing, including The War of Art, Turning Pro, and Put Your Ass Where Your Heart Wants To Be. He also just released The Daily Pressfield. Look for a review in my November Best Nonfiction Book report.

In Pressfield’s latest Writing Wednesdays, he said he’s in bed sick with the flu. And he still wrote! That wasn’t his point, but it’s mine. No excuses! That’s a pro.




Writer focused on holistic health, poetry, personal development, spirituality, technology, books, movies, and music.