Holistically Heal Six Types of Diabetes

Reversing Diabetes with Markus Rothkranz and James Sloane

5 min readJan 30, 2023


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

This article is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Thanks for the disclaimer idea, Danielle Belardo M.D. See Danielle’s article linked below.

I didn’t even know there were six forms of diabetes. Did you? I’ve only heard of Type 1, Type 2, Gestational, and recently, Type 3 associated with Alzheimer’s.

During my research for this article, I discovered that if you have Type 2 diabetes, your risk for developing Type 3 diabetes doubles! (See PubMed article in References section below.)

I have Type 2 diabetes and want it to go away without taking insulin or prescription medication. In 2021, my A1C was 12. The nurse practitioner who reviewed my labs said if I didn’t get it under control, I would die! That got my attention, but even the threat of death wasn’t enough to convince me to get insulin injections. I want to reverse diabetes holistically without depending on prescription drugs.

Last year, I lowered my A1C from 12 to 10. Progress, but it still needs to be in the safe range below 6. I published a newsletter on Substack to document my journey, but I recently deleted it. I decided to…




Writer focused on holistic health, poetry, personal development, spirituality, technology, books, movies, and music.