Medium Vs Vocal

The best premium blogging platform for writers

6 min readJun 3, 2021


Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

Medium versus Vocal — which one is the best premium blogging website for writers?

I am relatively new to both platforms. Although I’m not new to writing or blogging. My first blog was on AOL when we had to use dial-up to get online. And we had to know HTML if we wanted to do the fancy stuff we take for granted on Medium — like creating headlines, indent quotes, highlight text, or embed videos.

I’ve also blogged on Blogger and WordPress — off and on since they began. One of these days, I may move some of those blog posts here. Although, I’m more about moving forward than looking back.

I first heard about Medium in 2017. I have no idea why I didn’t jump on board then. I was probably neck-deep in some project like publishing a book or other creative venture.

Late last year, Medium got on my radar again — this time, I paid attention and started a blog. I loved it right away — clean, ad-free, easy-to-use, premium platform. It is well worth the price of a cup of gourmet coffee to support other writers and avoid annoying pop-up ads. I despise pop-ups and will immediately click off of a website that has more than one.

I have read about many bloggers that make money on Medium. Especially with the new bonuses, Ev Williams




Writer focused on holistic health, poetry, personal development, spirituality, technology, books, movies, and music.