Song and Dance

A Poem about the Power of Music



Photo by Tikkho Maciel on Unsplash

The Poetry Society of Indiana and Stage 1 Dance Academy are working together to create a recital program where dancers interpret poems. I love interweaving the arts! I wrote a poem titled Song and Dance with this program in mind.

As I wrote Song and Dance, I thought of a particular song that I recently heard at my mother’s church. I had never heard the song before. It’s upbeat and got the normally conservative congregation up on their feet, swaying, clapping, raising their arms up in praise, and singing to the song. I was in awe, as always, by the power of music to move through our bodies and uplift our spirits.

What song uplifts you and makes you want to dance?

Song and Dance

In a windowless room, she sat alone.
A sad little girl, heart heavy as stone.
Her eyes, once bright, now dimmed by despair.
A beautiful soul bullied by the world’s cruel glare.

But then came a tune on the air.
Upbeat, a song so rare.
Her head raised to the vibrant sound,
toes tapped up and down.

She stood and swayed to the lively song.
Hands uplifted, her spirit soared as she sang…




Writer focused on holistic health, poetry, personal development, spirituality, technology, books, movies, and music.