The 27 Club

A Lesson in Poetry Semantics — Art, Life, Death, and Cowbells



Photo by Emmy C on Unsplash

I noticed a call for poetry submissions about the 27 Club while scrolling on Facebook. I vaguely remember hearing that the 27 Club is about famous artists, musicians, and other creatives who died at age 27.

After reading the 27 Club Wiki page, I was inspired to write a poem. Then, I emailed it to the wrong person, a fellow poet who I thought was heading up the anthology. Fortunately, she knew who was leading the project and kindly forwarded my poem.

After forwarding my poem, she asked me if I wrote it about someone else or myself. I told her it’s introspective. It’s about not living up to my potential and course correcting.

I dreamed of being a singer like Janis Joplin when I was a child. I don’t know that I would want that dream if it meant I would have to die young. I also wouldn’t want Taylor Swift level fame that attracts paparazzi and money grubbers. The dream is different in hindsight. Now, I just want to write words that resonate with readers.

I received an email from the poet and former teacher who is heading up the 27 Club anthology with suggested edits to my poem to make it “flow.” Oh my! I see poetry as art. Unless it was an obvious typo, I would no more edit someone else’s poem than I would a painting or…




Writer focused on holistic health, poetry, personal development, spirituality, technology, books, movies, and music.