What Inspires Your Poetry
I have written hundreds of poems since I first discovered the healing power of poetry in high school. Many have gone on to win awards in poetry competitions and published in so many anthologies I have lost track.
I am often asked where I get my inspiration to write poetry. “It’s a secret,” I reply. Well, today, I’m sharing my secret with you!
Here is the “secret”…
Inspiration comes from everywhere!
Happy memories, sad moments, heartbreak, physical, mental, spiritual pain, love, longing, loneliness, other poems, music, movies, books, photos, paintings, eavesdropping, social media, the news, nature…
You never know when the muse will show up: while you’re driving 70 mph down the freeway, during a conversation, at work, church, right before you fall asleep…
The poem I wrote yesterday was inspired by a song I found when I was looking up another song for my last article about the story behind the lead singer of MercyMe.